Friday 5 November 2021

Oil Spills

W.A.L.T  Write and understand the features of an explanation.

Car Oil Spills Oil Spills polluting our earth. Oil has chemicals in it which is chemicals that pollutes our air. Here is some facts and things that you can help with to save our earth. If we have cars with oil that can leak then the air we breath in will be polluted. Lots people around the world will get sick because of the pollution. All of the oil spills form pollution and we are trying to stop the pollution. All of the Ice burgs are melting because of the pollution and if we get more oil spills than we have more pollution and the Antarctic animals will be gone as the ice has melted and we also need the Antarctic is a home for some and they need stuff from us and if we don’t protect our planet then how our we going to live? How we can solve this problem Now we can save this planet if we ride bikes and its not then we will just polluted the air. Even if we get an electric bike or car we are still going to hurt the earth and if we stay with the cars most have now that's what is staying it  

and we need something to get around on well we could have a hybrid car and thats still got petrel but the petrel powereds the electric in the car. If you think if you would get a car with something that help the planet then get a hybrid and if you have a bike take that sometimes In conclusion oil has chemicals that pollute the air and we need to stop this get a bike not electric or get a car thats hybrid and we need to stop taking this planet for granted.  

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