Sunday 31 January 2021


 I like the ones mum makes and the Simply squeezed smoothies is the one I really like is called Blueberry Bomb its got Apple, Banana, blueberry, blackberry & blackcurrant.

what is your favourite smoothie?

do you make your own smoothies or do you buy it?

cats facts

  1. people breed Bengal and Domestic cats.
  2. my cats are part Bengal and Domestic Alfe looks like his mum and we think that Tiger looks like his dad.
  3. and cats can be autistic because I'm sue that Alfe is autistic.
here is a picture of my cats 



Dhar Mann videos

Dhar Mann videos tell people story's and helps other people to realise what some people going throw watch them on YouTube if you want to watch them search up at Dhar Mann.       

Sunday 24 January 2021

making up Dances

 here is an example down be low

hope you like it and I did a other one in lock-down here is the under April and it is called Dance for school work go cheek it out 

Do you do dance?

Helping mum clean out the pool

 We were cleaning out are pool because there was leafs,a Weed which is from  Australia and it had bugs I go out of the pool and then I when back and forwards and the 3 time I when back to the pool I found a lady bug its wings were wet so I put it in my iPad case and when I went to cheek on it. it was gone it had flown  away.

Friday 22 January 2021

point shoe

I can do point if I get strong enough and if  this lady and my teacher says its ok and approve it and then one of my friend from dance she had here today and the lady gives you exercise to do and I have to go and see a pison to fix me  

Sunday 17 January 2021

staying at Nana's

 I stayed at Nana's and we watch a movie called The wild (it's on Disney+) it was good I stayed one night because i stared to get home sick   

helped mum

 I helped my mum to get the driveway to put flowers on the side of are driveway we toke out the stone that were there and then put them in a pile and then put dirt in where the stones were  and then mum put coffee grounds ( coffee grounds stop cats from dinging )  ;)

Movie penguin bloom with Nana

On Friday 15.01.2021 my Nana and I went to see the premier of Penguin Bloom. I was the only kid there it is out on the 22.01.2021 it was based on a true storey in 2015 and there mum broke her back and she just gave up but her oldest son found a baby magpie and named it Penguin and penguin well kinda made her get up and had to stay with her.

It was a really good movie. maybe a bit old for me.

what is your Favourite Movie?  


Saturday 9 January 2021

Saying see ya later to my Big Nana ( Great Grandma )

On the 7th of January Mum, Dad and I when to my Big Nana's  funeral she past on the 31st of December she was in a rest home and one of her girls sold her car then sold her house I think so.

 I meet some of my Great auntie and uncle's.

So Big Nana thanks for being a part of my life  and thanks for coming to some of my birthdays when you could.

We miss you see you when I come up there.

Wednesday 6 January 2021

The Crazy Penguin Hunt

We have been doing the penguin hunt around Canterbury

So far we have found 50 out of 120 penguins.

Have you been doing this? 

If you have, how many have you found?

The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel

 I am reading the 5th book of the series i got it for my birthday and it is called Dawn And The Impossible Three.

 there are 8 books in the series and I have them I mostly got them from Attunes and Uncles and I brought them also with my Birthday money.   

the 5th book.